Which are results of technological advances?

There are three answers

people's increased exposure to new ideas
the development of an increasingly global culture
their value by people around the world
the bringing of harmony to diverse groups of people
the reduction of the number of people living in rural areas

Your answers?

I tried the first three, but at least one of them was wrong

Let's think of one of the earliest forms of technology -- the match. Before the match, people had to use a flint or carry a fire with them.

With that example, we can omit the second answer on the list. What other answer can we substitute?

The fourth one?

I don't know how technology could reduce the number of people living in rural areas

I agree with number 4.

Thank you, Ms. Sue

You're welcome Auriana.

To find the results of technological advances, you can start by conducting research and analysis in various sources such as books, articles, and reputable websites. Some reliable sources that can provide information on this topic include scientific journals, technology news publications, and reports from reputable organizations.

Here are three results of technological advances:

1. Increased exposure to new ideas: Technological advancements have connected people globally, allowing for the exchange of information and ideas across different cultures and societies. This increased exposure to new ideas promotes innovation, encourages collaboration, and expands knowledge.

To learn more about this result, you can explore the impact of technologies like the internet, social media, and communication platforms that enable the sharing of ideas globally. Look for case studies, research papers, and real-life examples that illustrate the influence of technology on people's exposure to new ideas.

2. Development of an increasingly global culture: Technology has facilitated communication and interaction between individuals from different parts of the world, leading to the emergence of a more interconnected global culture. This can be seen in the spread of cultural practices, international collaborations, and the fusion of different traditions.

To understand this result, explore how technologies like transportation, digital communication, and social networks have contributed to the formation of a global culture. Investigate examples such as international music collaborations, the influence of social media trends across regions, and the impact of technology on travel and tourism.

3. Increased value by people around the world: Technological advances have resulted in the creation of products, services, and systems that people value and depend on. These can include advancements in healthcare, transportation, communication, entertainment, and many other fields.

To dive deeper into this result, research specific technological advancements that have impacted people's lives positively. for example, investigate the impact of transformative technologies like smartphones, medical innovations, renewable energy sources, or agricultural advancements. Explore how these advancements have improved quality of life, increased productivity, or provided new opportunities for individuals and societies.

Remember to critically evaluate your sources, looking for reputable and peer-reviewed information to ensure the validity and accuracy of your findings.