Why is there a difference in the second rule when regarding the time between the lighting and thunder in Germany and the US? In Germany, it's three seconds and the U.S it's 5 seconds.

Gimme a break.

In three seconds, sound travels 1000m, or 1km
In five seconds, it travels a US mile (1609m)

lol no need to be rude, I just figured that out once I posted the question. HAGD :)

The difference in the time between lightning and thunder in Germany (3 seconds) and the US (5 seconds) is primarily due to the variation in the speed of sound.

When you see a flash of lightning, the light travels at the speed of light, which is extremely fast. However, sound travels much slower than light. The speed of sound is approximately 343 meters per second (or 1,125 feet per second) under normal atmospheric conditions.

To calculate the distance between you and the lightning strike, you can use the difference in time between the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder. The formula is simple: Distance (in meters) = Speed of Sound (in meters per second) x Time Delay (in seconds).

In Germany, the commonly used estimate is that sound travels at a speed of 343 meters per second, so if you hear the thunder approximately 3 seconds after seeing the lightning, you can estimate that the lightning strike is around 1 kilometer (or 0.6 miles) away. This rule of thumb is often referred to as "counting seconds to estimate the distance."

In the US, the commonly used estimate is that sound travels at a slightly slower speed of 335 meters per second. Therefore, by waiting for around 5 seconds between the lightning and thunder, you can estimate that the lightning strike is approximately 1.67 kilometers (or 1 mile) away.

It's worth noting that these estimates are rough approximations and may vary depending on atmospheric conditions, altitude, and other factors that can affect the speed of sound. It's crucial to use caution during thunderstorms and seek appropriate shelter to ensure personal safety.