In what aspects of Japanese culture would you find influence of Chinese culture? Select all that apply.



scroll painting

social structure


A. gardening

B. currency
C. scroll painting

In what aspects of Japanese culture would you find influence of Chinese culture? Select the three correct answers.

To determine which aspects of Japanese culture are influenced by Chinese culture, we can look at historical interactions and exchanges between the two countries. Here are the aspects of Japanese culture where you would find influence from Chinese culture:

A. Gardening: Choice A is correct. Japanese gardening techniques were influenced by Chinese garden design, specifically during the Heian period (794-1185). Japanese gardens often incorporate elements such as borrowed scenery (shakkei) and water features, which originated in Chinese gardening practices.

B. Currency: Choice B is correct. Japan adopted many aspects of its early currency system from China, including the use of coins and specific denominations. The Japanese currency system was initially modeled after the Chinese Tang dynasty currency system.

C. Scroll painting: Choice C is correct. Chinese scroll painting techniques greatly influenced Japanese art. During the Heian period, Japan imported many Chinese paintings, which led to the development of a unique Japanese style. This Chinese influence continued throughout various periods of Japanese art.

D. Social structure: Choice D is correct. The social structure of Japan, particularly during the Nara period (710-794), was significantly influenced by Chinese culture. Japan adopted China's Confucian principles, which emphasized social hierarchy and roles, such as the influence of the emperor, aristocracy, and bureaucracy.

E. Government: Choice E is correct. The Japanese governmental system, particularly during the Asuka and Nara periods, was inspired by the Chinese model. Japan adopted various aspects of the Chinese political system, including a centralized administration and the establishment of law codes based on Chinese models.

So, the correct answers are: A. Gardening, B. Currency, C. Scroll painting, D. Social structure, and E. Government.