Identify 4 symptoms of interpersonal conflict in a person

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To identify symptoms of interpersonal conflict in a person, it is important to observe their behavior, emotions, and communication patterns. Here are four common symptoms to look out for:

1. Aggression or Hostility: The person may display frequent anger, irritability, or hostility towards others. They might engage in verbal or physical aggression when conflicts arise, escalating the situation rather than trying to resolve it.

2. Avoidance or Withdrawal: When faced with interpersonal conflict, some individuals tend to withdraw or avoid the issue altogether. They may attempt to distance themselves from people or situations that trigger conflict, often isolating themselves and avoiding confrontation.

3. Communication Issues: Poor communication is a significant symptom of interpersonal conflict. Look for signs such as frequent interruptions, talking over others, dismissive or disrespectful language, or difficulty in expressing themselves clearly or assertively.

4. Emotional Distress: Interpersonal conflict can cause emotional distress in a person. Signs of distress may include constant anxiety, sadness, increased irritability, depression, or mood swings. They might also experience physical symptoms like headaches, sleep disturbances, or changes in appetite.

It is essential to note that these symptoms can vary from person to person, and not everyone may display the same signs. Additionally, these symptoms are not exclusive to interpersonal conflict and can be related to underlying mental health issues. Providing support and open communication can help individuals better navigate and resolve conflicts.