What is a fair amount of homework to be assigned over the summer with obligation to be completed by the first day of the next new school year? Is a major exam or a small quiz or whatever appropriate for the first day? I ask in relation to the below listed excerpts:

REMEMBER: YOU MUST COMPLETE YOUR SUMMER READING! THESE ASSIGNMENTS ARE TEST GRADES! Furthermore, failure to complete the summer reading assignment will likely result in failing the first six weeks of the class.

English III AP – Mandatory Summer Reading Assignment - Kerrville ISD
May 1, 2018 -

This isn't my decision or yours. It's what your school district requires. Period.

Determining a fair amount of homework to be assigned over the summer with an obligation to be completed by the first day of the new school year can depend on several factors, including grade level, subject, and the specific goals of the assignment. The excerpt you provided seems to suggest that the summer reading assignment is an important part of the course and will contribute to the students' test grades.

To determine if the amount of homework is fair, it can be helpful to consider the following:

1. Grade level: The workload and expectations for homework tend to vary across grade levels. High school students, especially those in advanced classes like English III AP, may be expected to complete more rigorous and extensive assignments compared to younger students.

2. Subject: Different subjects may require different types and amounts of homework. For example, an English course might require reading and analyzing literary works, while a science course might involve conducting experiments or research.

3. Purpose of the assignment: Understanding the purpose of the summer homework can help assess its fairness. If the assignment is meant to reinforce and extend learning, it should be challenging but manageable for students. If it is solely meant for evaluation purposes, it should be reasonable and aligned with the content covered in the course.

4. Time commitment: Consider the time required to complete the homework. It is essential to strike a balance between giving students enough time to enjoy their summer break and ensuring they have adequate time to complete the assignment.

Regarding the appropriateness of starting the school year with a major exam or a small quiz, it ultimately depends on the objectives of the assessment and the teacher's instructional plan. Starting with an assessment can help gauge students' prior knowledge and identify areas that may require additional support. However, it is essential to consider the transition from summer break and give students an opportunity to ease back into the academic routine.

To obtain a more specific understanding of the expectations and guidelines for the summer reading assignment mentioned in the excerpt, you can refer to the provided PDF or reach out to the teacher or school administration for clarification.