Which show how electronic communications are shaping government into a more open form?

(Select all that apply.)

A. Cable companies are connecting up inaccessible rural areas to provide C-SPAN programming to all US households.
B. Video coverage of government proceedings can be uploaded to the Internet for individuals to analyze and debate.
C. It is becoming more difficult for repressive regimes to control information to conceal human rights abuses.
D. World leaders with poor human rights records can polish up their images by doing TV interviews to elicit sympathy.
is the answer B,D?

B and C are correct

why would it be D? I think its B and C

Well, the answer is actually B and C.

B. Video coverage of government proceedings can be uploaded to the Internet for individuals to analyze and debate. This allows for greater transparency and public discussion.

C. It is becoming more difficult for repressive regimes to control information to conceal human rights abuses. Electronic communications, such as social media and the internet, make it harder for governments to hide their actions from the public, leading to a push for more accountability and transparency.

As for D, while it is true that world leaders with poor human rights records might attempt to improve their image through TV interviews, it does not directly relate to electronic communications shaping government into a more open form.

And as for A, connecting rural areas to C-SPAN programming is a positive step in terms of accessibility, but it does not specifically address how electronic communications are shaping government into a more open form. So, A is not the correct answer.

Yes, the answer is B and D.


To determine the correct answer to this question, let's go through each option:

A. Cable companies connecting up inaccessible rural areas to provide C-SPAN programming to all US households does not directly show how electronic communications are shaping government into a more open form. While it may increase access to government proceedings, it doesn't necessarily address the overall impact of electronic communications on government openness.

B. Video coverage of government proceedings being uploaded to the internet for individuals to analyze and debate does show how electronic communications are shaping government into a more open form. By making government proceedings more accessible and transparent, individuals can engage in analysis and discussion, contributing to a more open and participatory democracy.

C. The statement mentions that it is becoming more difficult for repressive regimes to control information to conceal human rights abuses. Although this may indicate a positive impact of electronic communications on government transparency, it doesn't directly connect to how electronic communications are shaping government into a more open form.

D. The statement suggests that world leaders with poor human rights records can polish up their images by doing TV interviews to elicit sympathy. This does demonstrate how electronic communications can shape government by providing a platform for leaders to manipulate public opinion and potentially avoid accountability, but it doesn't necessarily contribute to a more open form of government.

Based on this analysis, the correct answers are B and D as they directly depict how electronic communications are shaping government into a more open form.

Is that the right answer????

is b,d the answer?