Which most accurately traces the changing attitudes of the protesters during the year-long Arab Spring demonstrations?

A. The protests began with Muslim citizens calling for Islamic reforms, but as protests spread, Christian fundamentalists began demanding that biblical law be established.
B. The protests began with Egyptian citizens calling for social reforms, but as protests spread, Tunisian fundamentalists urged the adoption of an apartheid policy.
C. The protests began with citizens calling for democratic reforms, but as protests spread, Islamic fundamentalists began demanding that Sharia law be established.
D. The protests began with students calling for censorship reforms, but as protests spread, university chairmen began demanding that censorship be expanded.
Is the answer d?

I mean C is the answer c

No. Please do not post this question again.

No, the answer is not D. The changing attitudes of the protesters during the year-long Arab Spring demonstrations can be accurately traced in option C. According to option C, the protests initially began with citizens calling for democratic reforms. However, as the protests spread, some Islamic fundamentalists began demanding the establishment of Sharia law. This option accurately represents the evolution of some protesters' demands during the Arab Spring demonstrations.