Which describes a major obstacle nations encounter when dealing with a rogue state such as North Korea?

A. The leaders of rogue states recognize no outside authority.
B. Differences in culture and religion complicate diplomacy.
C. A rogue state’s government secrets are difficult to obtain.
D. A rogue state’s leadership may change without warning.
Is the answer A?

Yes, A.

Yes, the correct answer is A. The leaders of rogue states recognize no outside authority. This is a major obstacle that nations encounter when dealing with a rogue state like North Korea. Rogue states often refuse to adhere to international norms, rules, and regulations, which makes negotiations and diplomacy challenging.

Yes, the answer is A. The leaders of rogue states recognize no outside authority.

To arrive at this answer, we can look at the options provided and evaluate each one.

B. Differences in culture and religion complicate diplomacy: This option describes a potential obstacle in international relations, but it does not specifically address rogue states or North Korea.

C. A rogue state’s government secrets are difficult to obtain: While this may be true, it does not necessarily represent a major obstacle when dealing with a rogue state like North Korea.

D. A rogue state’s leadership may change without warning: While leadership changes can be challenging and unpredictable, it is not specifically unique to dealing with a rogue state and may not be a major obstacle in itself.

A. The leaders of rogue states recognize no outside authority: This option correctly identifies a major obstacle when dealing with a rogue state like North Korea. Rogue states often refuse to acknowledge or adhere to international norms and rules, making negotiations and diplomatic efforts challenging.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is A.