Indian Removal Act

Marbury v. Madison
Trail of Tears
Worcester v. Georgia

Which of the elements in the graphic above shares no commonality with the others?

Indian Removal Act

Marbury v. Madison

Worcester v. Georgia

Trail of Tears

“Mexico has passed the boundary of the United States, has invaded our territory and shed American blood upon American soil." –James Polk
The quote above most likely led to _____________.

The Battle of the Alamo

The Battle of Palo Alto

The Battle of Coleto Creek

The Battle of San Jacinto

The election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 can be best attributed to which of the following conditions?
The unpopularity of the Federalist Party = |
Lowered property requirements for American voters = ||
The vote of Native American tribes loyal to Jackson = |||
Jackson’s appeal to the “common” man = |V

II and IV

I and II

I and III

III and IV

Which of the following can best be seen as representative of President Andrew Jackson’s support of the “common man” over aristocratic elites?

His fight against the Second Bank of the United States

His actions during the War of 1812

His opposition to the Supreme Court’s decision of Marbury v. Madison

His support of John Calhoun’s position on tariffs during the Nullification Crisis

If I could see your answers, I'd check them for you.

To answer the first question, we need to examine the four elements given: Indian Removal Act, Marbury v. Madison, Trail of Tears, and Worcester v. Georgia. The commonality shared among these elements is their connection to Native American history in the United States. These events either dealt with the removal of Native Americans from their lands or involved legal battles between Native American tribes and the U.S. government. To determine which element shares no commonality with the others, we need to identify which one does not relate to Native American history. In this case, the element that shares no commonality with the others is Marbury v. Madison, as it is a landmark Supreme Court case from 1803 that established the principle of judicial review, unrelated to Native American history.

Regarding the second question, the quote provided by James Polk about Mexico invading American territory and shedding American blood likely led to the Mexican-American War. The Battle of the Alamo, Battle of Palo Alto, Battle of Coleto Creek, and Battle of San Jacinto were all battles that took place during the Mexican-American War. However, without further context or information, it is difficult to determine the specific battle that the quote led to.

Moving on to the third question, the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 can be attributed to two conditions: the unpopularity of the Federalist Party and Jackson's appeal to the "common" man. Option II mentions the unpopularity of the Federalist Party, and option IV highlights Jackson's appeal to the "common" man. Therefore, the correct answer is II and IV.

For the final question, President Andrew Jackson's support of the "common man" over aristocratic elites can be best seen in his fight against the Second Bank of the United States. Jackson believed that the bank, which he viewed as being controlled by an elite few, favored the wealthy and ignored the needs of the common people. As a result, he vetoed the recharter of the bank and worked towards its dismantlement. This action demonstrated his commitment to supporting the interests of the "common man" over the aristocratic elites.