Increased voter turnout due to lower property restrictions on voting.

A focus on the supremacy of the "common man"
An increase in presidential power

The elements in the graphic above best describe_____________

The War of 1812

The Age of Jackson

The Administration of George Washington

Jeffersonian Democracyrease in presidential power

im thinking its B?

Can you describe the graphic?

Yes, you are correct. The elements described in the graphic best describe the Age of Jackson. Here's how we can arrive at that answer:

1. Increased voter turnout due to lower property restrictions on voting: During the Age of Jackson, there was a movement towards expanding suffrage and removing property ownership requirements for voting. This led to a significant increase in the number of people eligible to vote, resulting in higher voter turnout.

2. A focus on the supremacy of the "common man": Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States, championed the idea of empowering the common man by promoting populism and challenging the influence of the elite or the wealthy. His presidency was characterized by policies that aimed to give ordinary citizens more political power.

3. An increase in presidential power: Andrew Jackson is often associated with strengthening the role and powers of the presidency. He used his veto power extensively, more than any previous president, and expanded his influence over government decisions. This expansion of presidential power during his presidency is a significant characteristic of the Age of Jackson.

Therefore, based on these elements, the graphic is best described as representing the Age of Jackson (option B).