The Swahili culture was a blending of

a. Southwest Aisia and North Africa
b. North Africa and Southern Africa
c. East Africa and South Africa
d. Southwest Aisia and East Africa

South west Asia and East Africa

Does anyone have the answers for the whole test?!

what is the answer??Z?

what is the answer i do not see it ms.Sue

Not trying to be rude but..Mrs sue half of the time you are no help.




To determine the correct answer, we can use a few strategies. One approach is to have a basic understanding of the Swahili language itself, as it provides clues to the culture's origins. Additionally, we can rely on historical knowledge and the geographical context of the regions mentioned in each option.

In this case, the correct answer is (a) Southwest Asia and East Africa.

The Swahili culture emerged in the coastal regions of East Africa, particularly in present-day Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique. However, the Swahili language itself is heavily influenced by other languages, including Arabic and Persian.

The Arabic influence can be traced back to the 7th century when Arab traders arrived in East Africa for commerce. Over time, this led to the blending of Arabic elements with existing indigenous cultures, resulting in the development of the Swahili culture.

Additionally, the trade networks between East Africa and the Indian Ocean region, including Southwest Asia, further contributed to the cultural exchange and assimilation of ideas, customs, and goods. This interaction with traders and merchants from Southwest Asia facilitated the fusion of different cultural aspects, such as architecture, cuisine, clothing, religious practices, and artistic expressions.

Therefore, option (a) Southwest Asia and East Africa is the correct answer, as it reflects the historical and cultural influences that shaped the Swahili culture.