The first area that Hitler "unified" with Germany?

Austria? or also Czechoslovakia?

The first area that Hitler "unified" with Germany was Austria. This event is known as the Anschluss, which took place in 1938. Hitler's Nazi Germany annexed Austria, incorporating it into the German Reich.

The first area that Hitler "unified" with Germany was Austria. This event is commonly referred to as the Anschluss, meaning "annexation" or "joining together." Hitler's desire to bring Austria into Nazi Germany was motivated by his belief in the concept of "Greater Germany," which aimed to incorporate all German-speaking regions under German control.

To find this answer, you can start by conducting a basic search on the topic using a search engine like Google. Enter the query "first area Hitler unified with Germany" or a similar phrase. You'll likely find several sources, such as reputable history websites, books, or scholarly articles, that would provide information on the subject. It's always a good idea to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy.