Why did the Spartan need the helots?

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No I do not . I thought someone could help me. Messenian person forced to work as a lowly farmers by sparta. So why did Spartan need the helots?

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Since most Spartan men served in the military, the helots were the slaves who farmed the fields and grew the crops the people ate.

The Spartans, who were part of the ancient Greek city-state of Sparta, relied on the helots for several reasons. The helots were essentially enslaved people who were primarily of Messenian descent and were conquered by the Spartans.

One reason why the Spartans needed the helots was for agricultural purposes. The helots worked the land, providing the Spartans with a stable food supply. The Spartans, being a highly militaristic society, had little time for farming themselves. Therefore, they utilized the labor of the helots to ensure a steady food production.

Another reason for the Spartans' reliance on the helots was to maintain a large military force. The Spartan men, known as the hoplites, were heavily trained and focused solely on military affairs. Since the helots were responsible for the agricultural activities, the Spartan men could dedicate their time to rigorous military training and preparation for warfare.

Additionally, the helots served as a source of fear and control for the Spartans. The Spartans feared uprisings from the helots due to their larger numbers. Therefore, they implemented various tactics to keep the helots subjugated and prevent rebellion. By continuously reminding the helots of their enslaved status and subjecting them to harsh conditions, the Spartans aimed to maintain control and stability within their society.

In summary, the Spartans needed the helots for agricultural labor, to support their military-focused society, and to prevent potential uprisings through fear and control.