What is a musical feel of a poem? I don't quite know what it is or it's purpose.

Rhythm Poems, Music Poems, Rap Poems. It is said that everyone marches to the beat of a drum. ... For teenagers, the music is often extremely intense. You may dance to the angry sound of heavy metal, the passion of a love song, or the empty sounding chords of depression.

not urgent but i would like to know asap

The musical feel of a poem refers to the use of rhythmic and sonic elements to create a sense of melody or musicality within the poem. It involves the patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables, the arrangement of words and phrases, as well as the overall sound and tone achieved through various literary devices such as alliteration, rhyme, and repetition.

The purpose of creating a musical feel in poetry is to enhance the emotional impact and aesthetic appeal of the poem. By incorporating musical elements, poets strive to engage the reader's auditory senses and create a rhythmic flow that adds beauty and resonance to the language. This can help to evoke certain mood or atmospheres, emphasize key ideas, and create a memorable experience for the reader.

To identify or analyze the musical feel of a poem, you can start by reading the poem aloud and paying attention to the patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables. Look for any recurring sounds or rhythmical patterns within the lines, as well as any use of rhyme or repetition. Consider how these elements contribute to the overall tone and mood of the poem, and how they enhance or complement its themes and ideas. Additionally, studying the specific poetic techniques used, such as meter, rhyme scheme, and sonic devices, can provide further insights into the musicality of the poem.