How did President Hoover’s approach toward the economy compare with Calvin coolidge approach

ill post the answers to the quick check when i finish :)

Thanks you miss sue

i meant practice test

To compare President Hoover's approach toward the economy with Calvin Coolidge's approach, we need to examine the decisions and policies they implemented during their presidencies. Here's how you can analyze their approaches:

1. Research their economic policies and philosophies: Start by researching the economic policies and philosophies of both Hoover and Coolidge. Look for information on their beliefs regarding government intervention in the economy, taxation, regulation, and trade policies. This will help you understand the foundation of their economic approaches.

2. Compare their approaches to government intervention: Consider the level of government intervention in the economy under each president. Coolidge believed in limited government involvement and laissez-faire economics, advocating for low taxes, reduced regulations, and a hands-off approach. On the other hand, Hoover favored some government intervention to stabilize the economy during the Great Depression, although his policies were often criticized for being ineffective.

3. Evaluate their responses to economic crises: Consider how each president handled economic crises during their tenure. Coolidge's presidency was marked by economic prosperity, known as the "Roaring Twenties." In contrast, Hoover was in office during the Great Depression, and his response was characterized by a belief in voluntary cooperation between government and businesses rather than direct intervention.

4. Examine their fiscal policies: Evaluate their fiscal policies, such as their positions on taxation and spending. Coolidge advocated for tax cuts and reduced government spending, which promoted economic growth. Hoover, on the other hand, implemented some tax increases and increased government spending to combat the economic downturn, although many argue these policies were insufficient to address the severity of the Great Depression.

By researching and comparing the economic policies and decisions of President Hoover and Calvin Coolidge, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of how their approaches toward the economy differed.