1. What was the Peloponnesian war?

A. a conflict between Greece and Persia
B. a conflict between Athens and Sparta
C. a conflict between Greece and Macedonia***
D. a conflict between Macedonia and Athens

2. What is the name for a government ruled by a small group of people?
A. Democracy
B. Monarchy
C. Oligarchy***
D. Tyranny

3. What was a city-state?
A. a fortified city and surrounding farmlands***
B. marketplace of ancient Greek cities
C. the temple of the goddess Athena
D. the part of a Greek city located on a hill

4. Why was solon important?
A. He was the Macedonian king who united Greece.
B. He set up salaries for officials so poor people could serve.
C. He was the general who defeated the Persian invaders. ***
D. He ended slavery for people who fell into debt.

5. "Our constitution does not copy the laws of neighboring states: we are rather a pattern to others that imitators ourselves. it administration favors that many instead of the few..."

- Pericles, "Funeral Oration"

What is Pericles most likely suggesting about Greek government?
A. Average citizens did not have the skills to write a constitution.
B. Sparta's oligarchy was a better system than Athens' democracy.
C. Athenian democracy was a good and innovative type of governing.
D. All Greek city-states should be ruled by just one united government. ****


Please check

1, 4, and 6 are wrong. The others are right.

1. The Peloponnesian War was a conflict between Athens and Sparta (Option B). To find this answer, you could search for "Peloponnesian War" on the internet or in a history textbook.

2. The name for a government ruled by a small group of people is an Oligarchy (Option C). To find this answer, you could search for "government ruled by a small group of people" or "oligarchy definition."

3. A city-state was a fortified city and surrounding farmlands (Option A). To find this answer, you could search for "definition of city-state" or "what is a city-state."

4. Solon was important because he set up salaries for officials so poor people could serve (Option B). To find this answer, you could search for "why was Solon important" or "accomplishments of Solon."

5. Pericles is most likely suggesting that Athenian democracy was a good and innovative type of governing (Option C). To find this answer, you could analyze the quote from Pericles and consider its context in ancient Greek history.

6. I'm sorry, but there is no question 6. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!