1. What caused the settlement of African Americans in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain region than in the Ozark Mountains region.

Slavery and Plantation .
Mining and logging .
The use of modern technology.
Low priced land and modern technology.

2. Why did people from the Appalachian Mountains settle in the Ozark Mountains.
The soil in the region is rich and excellent for farming.
The terrain of both regions is hilly and rugged.
The land is surrounded by lakes.
Heavy rains often flood both regions.

3. Which region of Arkansas is most influenced by African American culture and heritage.
Ozark Mountains
Gulf Coastal Plain
Mississippi Alluvial Plain
Ouachita Mountains

Can someone please help me, I cant figure this out and I've been on this assignment for like 3 hours now.

Number 1 is slavery and plantations, Number 2 is The terrain of both regions is hilly and rugged. , Number 3 is Mississippi Alluvial Plain

The answers are,

1. A, slavery and plantations
2. B, The terrain of both regions are hilly and rugged
3. C, Mississippi Alluvial Plain

BigBoyMac Is 100% Correct

Connexus Student here! :)

Why is 100% correct!

The answers r

This is 100% correct I just took the quick check and I got a 100% A



i know some people years later will comment while im in college

among us spirit say he is correct

Can some give answer

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