
Which statement about electricity is not true?

The attraction or repulsion between electric charges is called electric force.

A positive electric charge must be paired with a negative electric charge.

Like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other.

Electricity deals with the interaction between electric charges.

Electricity deals with the interaction between electric charges

The statement "A positive electric charge must be paired with a negative electric charge" is not true. In fact, positive charges can exist without being paired with negative charges.

To determine which statement about electricity is not true, we need to evaluate each statement individually.

Statement 1: "The attraction or repulsion between electric charges is called electric force."
This statement is true. Electric force refers to the force of attraction or repulsion between electric charges.

Statement 2: "A positive electric charge must be paired with a negative electric charge."
This statement is also true. According to the law of electric charges, positive and negative charges attract each other, and therefore, they are usually found as pairs.

Statement 3: "Like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other."
This statement is also true. According to the law of electric charges, like charges (both positive or both negative) repel each other, while unlike charges (positive and negative) attract each other.

Statement 4: "Electricity deals with the interaction between electric charges."
This statement is also true. Electricity is a branch of physics that studies the behavior and properties of electric charges and their interaction with each other and with magnetic fields.

Based on the evaluation of each statement, we can conclude that all statements are true. Therefore, none of the statements are not true.