What is the most likely factor that contributed to Sudan’s division into Sudan and South Sudan?

A. The Sudanese government’s referendum to establish South Sudan won 98 percent of the vote.
B. Decades-long civil wars between the North and the South caused division in Sudan.
C. Sudan’s many ethnic cultures refused to hold a national identity above their tribal identities.
D. The geographical differences had resulted in incompatible northern and southern cultures.
Is the answer C?

I have taken the test. The answer is B

Does Ms. Sue just pick at random whether someone is right or wrong? Because it seems that half the time SHE is wrong.

C is wrong

Not exactly the answer but how 'bout some chill pills

Umm... You obviously are here from Primavera looking for answers to so I'm confused why you are saying anything???

this is funny sadly

KAYLA IM CACKLING- also don't put your actual first name and the school your from in your post that's not a good move-

Its B

so like... what’s the answer

oh lol sike