What does it mean to get a 150% salary raise?

I honestly have no idea. hellllpppp

100% is as much as you have now.

150% is half again as much.

So, if you are getting $400 now,
$600 = 400 + 200 is a 50% raise (1.5 times what you get now)
$800 = 400 + 400 is a 100% raise (2.0 times what you get now)
$1000 = 400 + 400 + 200 is a 150% raise (2.5 times what you get now)

oobleck TYSM

i've been stuck on this one for EVER


but it says ms. sue is wrong so idk

trust me i saw that one

Did you notice that the person who said I was wrong posted three years after my post??

True. That is true, didn't realize that.

To understand what it means to get a 150% salary raise, we need to break it down step by step. A salary raise refers to an increase in your current salary. In this case, a 150% salary raise means that your salary will be increased by 150% of your current salary.

To calculate this, we need to multiply your current salary by the percentage increase. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Determine your current salary amount. Let's say your current salary is $50,000.

2. Calculate 150% of your current salary. To do this, multiply 150% (or 1.5 as a decimal) by your current salary. In this case, it would be: $50,000 x 1.5 = $75,000.

Therefore, getting a 150% salary raise means that your salary will increase by 150% of your current salary. In this example, your new salary would be $75,000 after the raise.