list two issues in sports that can impede nation building

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Two issues in sports that can impede nation building are:

1. Corruption and Scandals: Corruption within sports organizations can undermine the integrity of the sporting system and erode public trust. When instances of bribery, doping, match-fixing, or other scandals occur, it can lead to a loss of faith in the fairness and legitimacy of sports competitions. Such corruption can create divisions and conflicts within a nation, hindering efforts towards nation building, as it undermines the sense of unity and shared goals.

To find information and examples related to corruption and scandals in sports, you can:
- Search for news articles and reports on specific corruption cases in sports.
- Look for studies and research papers on the impact of corruption on nation building in the context of sports.
- Explore the websites and publications of reputable sports governing bodies like the International Olympic Committee (IOC) or the FIFA Ethics Committee, as they often investigate and publish reports on corruption issues.

2. Discrimination and Exclusion: Sports can sometimes reflect and perpetuate social inequalities, which can impede nation building. Discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or socioeconomic status can limit opportunities for certain groups to participate in sports and reach their full potential. Exclusion from sports can foster resentment and division within a nation, hindering efforts to build an inclusive and cohesive society.

To understand how discrimination and exclusion impact sports and nation building, you can:
- Seek out studies and reports on the inequalities and barriers faced by marginalized groups in sports.
- Read articles and books written by scholars or experts in the field of sports sociology or sports inclusion.
- Look for case studies or examples that highlight instances of discrimination in sports and analyze their broader societal impact.

Remember, exploring multiple sources and perspectives will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the issues surrounding nation building in sports.