Can you check my answers?

1:What did the Escalante Expedition accomplish
A: a pass through the mountains and a new trade route to california
B: a mission in the salt lake valley
C: the first maps and detailed descriptions of the land and people
D: a treaty with the Ute people
my answer:A
2:What happened after the spanish brought the horse to what is today Utah
A:ute culture adapted by traveling and hunting on horseback
B:ute culture adapted by riding horses to raid their neighbors
C:The goshute moved deeper into the desert to protect themselves from raiding parties
D:all of the above
my answer:A
3:Which continent benefited most from the first 100 years of the columbian exchange.
A:North America
my answer:B
Plz tell me if i'm right.

No your not.


here are the word anssors

the first maps and detailed descriptions of the land and people

All of the above are correct.


Thanks Me got them anser!

100% CA 7th unit 2 lesson 1

Me got them answer is correct

yayyyyyyyy thanks

I can help verify your answers.

1: What did the Escalante Expedition accomplish?
Your answer: A. a pass through the mountains and a new trade route to California

The correct answer is: C. the first maps and detailed descriptions of the land and people

The Escalante Expedition, led by Franciscan priests Francisco Atanasio Domínguez and Silvestre Vélez de Escalante, explored the southwestern United States in the late 18th century. While they did not find a direct pass to California, they did create the first maps and detailed descriptions of the area, which were valuable for future explorations.

2: What happened after the Spanish brought the horse to what is today Utah?
Your answer: A. ute culture adapted by traveling and hunting on horseback

The correct answer is: D. all of the above

When the Spanish brought horses to what is now Utah, the Ute culture indeed adapted by traveling and hunting on horseback (option A). Additionally, they also used horses to raid their neighbors (option B). The Goshute people moved deeper into the desert to protect themselves from raiding parties (option C). Therefore, the correct answer is option D, which includes all of the above.

3: Which continent benefited most from the first 100 years of the Columbian Exchange?
Your answer: B. Asia

The correct answer is: D. Europe

The Columbian Exchange refers to the widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, diseases, and human populations between the Western and Eastern Hemispheres after Christopher Columbus's voyages in the late 15th century. While all continents were affected, Europe benefited the most from this exchange due to the introduction of new crops, such as potatoes and corn, which significantly improved their agriculture and population growth.

So, your answers for questions 1 and 2 are incorrect, but your answer for question 3 is also incorrect.