Can I please ask how to do this math homework? Thank you so much!

Max went to the amusement park with $50 to spend. His ticket cost $26.50. How much did he spend on souvenirs and snacks? (A: Write the inequality, B: Solve the inequality)

A: _______________________________________
B: _______________________________________

Thank you so much!! I REALLY, REALLY NEED HELP ON THIS!!!!!!!

A: (50 - 26.50) ≥ (s & s) ≥ 0

B: solve it

t = ticket cost $26.50

s = souvenirs and snacks cost


t + s ≤ 50

26.5 + s ≤ 50


26.5 + s ≤ 50

Subtract 26.5 to both sides

26.5 + s - 26.5 ≤ 50 - 26.5

s ≤ 23.5

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your math homework!

A: To write the inequality for this problem, we need to determine what variables represent the unknown quantities. Let's use the variable "s" to represent the amount of money Max spent on souvenirs and snacks.

Since Max went to the amusement park with $50 and his ticket cost $26.50, we can subtract the cost of the ticket from the total amount of money he had to find how much he has left for souvenirs and snacks. The inequality equation would be:

s ≤ 50 - 26.50

B: To solve the inequality and find the maximum amount he could spend on souvenirs and snacks, we simply substitute the values into the equation:

s ≤ 50 - 26.50
s ≤ 23.50

Therefore, Max could spend a maximum of $23.50 on souvenirs and snacks.

I hope this helps you with your math homework! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.