Which graph satisfies the compound inequality?

x<-4 or x>3?

Help, please

to the left of -4 and to the right of +3

Well, to start, what is the compound inequality?

I don't know Leo.

x<-4 or x>3

To find the graph that satisfies the compound inequality x < -4 or x > 3, we need to plot the values of x that meet the conditions.

Start by drawing a number line with zero in the middle. Mark -4 and 3 on the number line.

Since x is less than -4, any value to the left of -4 will satisfy the inequality. Therefore, shade the number line to the left of -4.

Next, since x is greater than 3, any value to the right of 3 will satisfy the inequality. Shade the number line to the right of 3.

The shaded regions on the number line to the left of -4 and right of 3 represent the values of x that satisfy the compound inequality.

So, to summarize, the graph that satisfies the compound inequality x < -4 or x > 3 is a number line with shading to the left of -4 and to the right of 3.