I need some help!

this is the 3 one.
The Basin and Range region of Utah includes landforms such as the?
A: Colorado Plateau, hoodoos, and natural stone arches.
B: Wasatch Range and Basin.
C: Great salt Lake Desert, Bonneville Salt flats, and Ancient volcanoes.
D: canyon lands, mesas, and buttes.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

The Basin and Range region of Utah includes landforms such as the canyonlands, mesas, and buttes.

To find the answer to your question, you can do a quick online search using a search engine of your choice. Simply enter the keywords "Basin and Range region of Utah landforms" into the search bar, and you will likely find several reliable sources that provide the information you need.

However, I am here to help you, so I can provide you with a brief explanation. The correct answer is option D: canyon lands, mesas, and buttes. The Basin and Range region of Utah is characterized by a series of parallel mountain ranges and elongated valleys. It is home to stunning landforms such as deep canyons, table-like mesas, and steep-sided buttes. These landforms were primarily formed due to the tectonic forces causing the stretching and faulting of the Earth's crust in this particular region.