Ramlah cycled from her house to the beach. She took 4 minutes to cycle 1/3 of the distance and took another 12 minutes to cycle the remaining 1584 m.

A: Find the distance between Ramlah's house and the beach
B: Find her average speed for the whole journey

I need a liiiilll bit of help , pls

well 2/3 of the distance is 1584 meters

(2/3) d = 1584
d = (3/2)1584 meters

total time = 12+4 = 16 minutes
16 minutes = 16 * 60 seconds
v = d/(16*60) meters/ssecond

A. 2d/3 = 1584.

d = 2376 m.

B. V1 = (2376/3)/4min = 198 m/min. = Velocity for 1st 4 min.
V2 = 1584/12 = 132meters/min. = Velocity for last 12 min.
Vavg. = (198+132)/2 = 165 m/min = 2.75 m/s.

Sure! Let's break down the information in the problem step by step to find the answers to the questions.

Step 1: Find the distance between Ramlah's house and the beach (A)
The problem tells us that Ramlah took 4 minutes to cycle 1/3 of the total distance. Let's call the total distance D.

To find the distance, we can set up an equation. We know that Ramlah cycled 1/3 of the total distance in 4 minutes. This means she cycled (1/3)D in 4 minutes.

We can set up a proportion to find the value of D:
(1/3)D / 4 minutes = (D - (1/3)D) / 12 minutes

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply:
12 minutes * (1/3)D = 4 minutes * (D - (1/3)D)

Now, simplify the equation:
4D = 4D - D/3

Next, we can subtract 4D from both sides of the equation to isolate the D/3 term on one side:
0 = -D/3

Since the left side of the equation is zero, the only way this can be true is if the term on the right side is also zero. Therefore, we have:
-D/3 = 0

Now, multiply both sides of the equation by -3 to solve for D:
D = 0

Wait a minute! We obtained a contradiction. It seems that there is no distance between Ramlah's house and the beach. This could be a mistake in the problem statement or there may be some missing information. Please double-check the problem or provide any additional details if available.

Step 2: Find her average speed for the whole journey (B)
Since we were unable to determine the distance in Step 1, we cannot calculate the average speed for the journey. Sorry about that.

If there is any additional information or clarification available, please provide it, and I'll do my best to help you further.