why did the southern states opposed the election of abraham lincoln

A. Abraham lincoln was not from the South
B. Abraham lincoln was a republican candidate.
C. Abraham lincoln wanted the north south to be divided
D. Abraham lincoln opposed slavery

The southern states opposed the election of Abraham Lincoln for several reasons. One reason was that Abraham Lincoln was not from the South (A). He was born in Kentucky, but ultimately became associated with Illinois. Additionally, Abraham Lincoln was a Republican candidate (B), and the Republican Party had taken a stance against the expansion of slavery, which was a critical issue in the South. The southern states feared that a Republican president like Lincoln would ultimately lead to the end of slavery. Lastly, Abraham Lincoln's opposition to slavery (D) was a significant concern for the southern states, as it threatened the economic and social foundation of the region. However, it is not accurate to say that Abraham Lincoln wanted the North and South to be divided (C). Lincoln's primary objective was to preserve the Union, although the issue of slavery did create divisions that ultimately led to the Civil War.

The southern states opposed the election of Abraham Lincoln for a combination of reasons. One of the key reasons was that Abraham Lincoln was not from the South, which created a sense of distrust and perceived lack of understanding of southern issues. Additionally, Abraham Lincoln was a Republican candidate, and at that time, the Republican Party was associated with policies that many southern states disagreed with.

Another reason was that Abraham Lincoln opposed slavery. Slavery was deeply ingrained in the southern economy and culture, and many southern states feared that a Lincoln presidency would pose a threat to the institution of slavery. They believed that Lincoln's opposition to slavery would lead to the northern states enacting policies that would weaken or eliminate slavery, which they saw as a direct challenge to their way of life.

It is worth noting that not all southern states uniformly opposed Lincoln's election. Some southern states, like Virginia and Tennessee, were more moderate and did not immediately secede from the Union after Lincoln's election. However, the majority of the states of the Confederacy held the aforementioned concerns and ultimately seceded from the Union after Lincoln's election, leading to the American Civil War.

None of those is correct. What does your assigned reading say?