1. By about how much did the price of oil decline from 1931-1932?

A- 10 percent
B- 19 percent
C- 50 percent
D- 90 percent ****

2. What is the most basic feature of a boom-and-bust cycle?
A- government regulation
B- rapid price changes ****
C- steady production
D- the development of a new product

3. What is one reason for the crash in the boom-and-bust cycle?
A- Overproduction leads to oversupply and then to fall in prices. ****
B- Prices rise too high, causing supply to decrease.
C- The product becomes too valuable, driving away investors.
D- Underproduction leads to a decrease in demand.

Can someone please check my answers? Thank You

It’s right I got 100%


About 1 year later...

still 100 ._.

It is Erin for me D B A IS IT

A full year later, today is Feb 10, 2020. STILL A 100 WHOOO

about 2 years latter it is right (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ┻━┻ ︵ \( °□° )/ ︵ ┻━┻ FLIP ALL THE TABLES

1) 90 percent {D}

2) rapid price changes {B}
3) Overproduction leads to oversupply and then to a fall in prices {A}

Guaranteed 100%

@bend over i thought i would never see you agian

you could prob make all your texts into some funny memes.

2022 another year later D, B, A IS STILL CORRECT!

stop the count

I don't know the answer to # 1. Check your reading assignment.

2 and 3 are correct.