1. Place the following events in order.

~The Declaration of Independence is signed.
~The Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia.
~The French and Indian War ends.
~The Battle of Yorktown begins.

~ The continental congress meets
~The declaration of independence was signed
~The French and Indian war ends
~The battle of Yorktown begins
~The declaration of independence was signed
~The French and Indian war ends
~The battle of Yorktown begins
~ The continental congress meets

1763 - French and Indian war ends

1774-The continental congress meets in Philadelphia
1776-The declaration of independence was signed
1781-The battle of Yorktown begins

63, 67, 71, 83 I think

Yay! You got it! Finally!!

1763 - French and Indian war ends

1774-The continental congress meets in Philadelphia
1776-The declaration of independence was signed
1781-The battle of Yorktown begins

''Me'' was correct

Yes, you are correct. Apologies for the earlier confusion.

To determine the correct order of these events, we need to examine the historical timeline. Here's how you can figure out the correct sequence:

1. The French and Indian War: This conflict took place between 1754 and 1763, with a significant turning point being the Treaty of Paris in 1763, which marked the end of the war. So, the correct order would have the French and Indian War end before the other events.

2. The Continental Congress Meeting: The Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, and the First Continental Congress convened in 1774, followed by the Second Continental Congress in 1775. Therefore, the Continental Congress meeting came before the Declaration of Independence was signed.

3. Declaration of Independence: The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, by the representatives of the thirteen American colonies. It came after the Continental Congress meeting.

4. Battle of Yorktown: The Battle of Yorktown was a significant battle during the American Revolutionary War, which took place in 1781. As the war came after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, it would be the last event in the sequence.

Based on these historical facts, the correct order of events is:

- The French and Indian War ends
- The Continental Congress meets
- The Declaration of Independence is signed
- The Battle of Yorktown begins

Please arrange these events with their dates.

To start you off --

1763 - French and Indian war ends

~The French and Indian war ends

~The declaration of independence was signed
~ The continental congress meets in Philadelphia
~The battle of Yorktown begins

Please include the dates.

Those are wrong -- plus you didn't put them with the events.