Which event led Europe toward World War II?

Neutrality Act
Battle of Britain
Invasion of Poland
Operation Barbarossa

Correct! ;)

Yes, c.

not a actualy its c i think

The event that led Europe toward World War II was the invasion of Poland.

To understand why the invasion of Poland was a significant event, let me first explain the context. In the 1930s, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party rose to power in Germany. Hitler had expansionist ambitions and pursued a policy of territorial aggression. His goal was to create a greater German Reich and establish dominance over Europe.

In 1939, Hitler made a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which included a secret protocol dividing Eastern Europe into spheres of influence between Germany and the Soviet Union. This allowed Hitler to focus on his western front while avoiding a two-front war.

On September 1, 1939, Germany launched a massive invasion of Poland, using Blitzkrieg tactics that combined armored vehicles with air support. The Polish army was quickly overwhelmed, and Poland surrendered after just over a month of fighting.

The invasion of Poland marked the beginning of World War II. It was a clear violation of international law and demonstrated Hitler's disregard for treaties and diplomatic norms. The response from the international community was swift, with Britain and France declaring war against Germany in defense of Poland.

The invasion of Poland also revealed the effectiveness of Blitzkrieg tactics, which would be used by Germany throughout the war. This successful military strategy further emboldened Hitler and encouraged his further aggression.

In summary, the invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939 was a crucial event that ignited World War II by showing Hitler's aggression, violating international law, and prompting the response of other European nations.