Hi i need some hlep with this

This question asks about your independent reading selection. You may use your reading selection to help you answer the question.

Compare and contrast your independent reading selection with one or two other selections you have read in this unit. Support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from your independent reading selection. Be sure to give the title and author of your selection.

To silverstream... and YOU need to stop giving people bad advice. If u cant help dont respond.

How would you like us to help you with this?

uh can u explain it to me?

To answer this question, you would need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify your independent reading selection
First, identify the title and author of the book you have chosen for your independent reading. This will be the primary selection you will be comparing and contrasting with others.

Step 2: Select one or two other selections from this unit
Think about the other books or texts you have read in this unit that you can compare and contrast with your independent reading selection. Choose one or two that you feel have similarities or differences with your independent reading.

Step 3: Identify similarities and differences
Read through your independent reading selection and the other selections you have chosen. Look for similarities and differences in various aspects such as themes, characters, plot, writing style, setting, or any other relevant factors. Pay attention to specific details, events, or passages that can serve as evidence for your comparison.

Step 4: Gather evidence
Select at least two pieces of evidence from your independent reading selection that support your comparison and contrast. These could be quotes, specific plot points, character traits, or any other details that highlight the similarities or differences between your independent reading and the other selections.

Step 5: Organize your response
Create an essay or written response that follows a clear structure. You can start by introducing your independent reading selection and briefly summarizing its main aspects. Then, introduce the other selections you have chosen and explain their main features. Next, present your comparison and contrast, supported by the evidence you gathered earlier. Finally, conclude your response by summarizing your findings and offering any further insights or conclusions you may have.

Remember to provide appropriate citations and references to the books or texts you are comparing and contrasting. This will add credibility to your response and allow your reader to refer back to the original sources.

What was your independent reading selection?

Compare and contrast your independent reading selection with one or two other selections you have read in this unit.

Support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from your independent reading selection. Be sure to give the title and author of your selection.


You go to connexus! And YOU have to answer this question!