Which statement best describes why constitutions are needed.

A) Constitutions are needed so that governments don’t get carried away with taxes.

B) Constitutions are needed because all the laws have to be written down somewhere.
C) Constitutions are needed because without a constitution, the government is not legitimate.

D) Constitutions are needed so people can know their basic rights and how the government will operate.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

hewwo the answew you would be wooking fow is D

The correct statement that best describes why constitutions are needed is:

D) Constitutions are needed so people can know their basic rights and how the government will operate.

A constitution is a fundamental document that outlines the principles, rights, and structure of a government. It serves as a blueprint for how a country's government will function and establishes the limits and responsibilities of those in power. Here's why statement D is the best explanation:

1. Basic rights: Constitutions include a Bill of Rights or similar provisions that protect individuals' fundamental freedoms and liberties. These rights ensure that people are aware of their entitlements and protections, such as freedom of speech, religion, and due process. The constitution acts as a safeguard against potential abuses by those in power.

2. Government operations: Constitutions lay out the framework and procedures for governing. They define the branches of government, their roles, and their checks and balances. By doing so, constitutions ensure that power is distributed and that no single authority becomes too dominant. This system can prevent abuses of power and promote accountability.

While the other statements mentioned some important aspects, they are not as comprehensive or accurate explanations as statement D. Constitutions also address issues like taxation (statement A), but their purpose is not solely to prevent governments from getting carried away with taxes. Similarly, while constitutions provide a place to write down laws (statement B), their purpose is much broader and encompasses the entire governance structure. Lastly, while legitimacy is an important aspect of a government, it alone does not encompass the full scope of why constitutions are needed (statement C).