How did the Qin dynasty lose the Mandate of Heaven?

A.through invasions by nomadic herdsmen the emperor's army couldn't defend against
B.through natural disasters the government was unable to cope with
C.through famine caused by many years of drought
D.through uprisings caused by the harsh policies of Legalism

1. Ancestors

2. B
3. A
4. C & E
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. Balance
9. A
10. D
11. Farmers

must be one lucky guy to get that "0.0000000001"

I'm pretty sure its D don't completely rely on my answer but im 90% sure its D

I just looked at my old study guide. I'M 99.9999999999% SURE ITS D.

Hpyi is correct

Hpyi is 100% correct thx sm

hpyi is correct

To understand how the Qin dynasty lost the Mandate of Heaven, we need to have a background on the concept of the Mandate of Heaven itself. The Mandate of Heaven was an ancient Chinese belief that gave legitimacy to rulers and defined their duty to govern. According to this belief, a dynasty had the right to rule as long as it had the support and approval of the heavens. If a dynasty failed to fulfill its responsibilities or faced numerous challenges, it was believed to have lost the Mandate of Heaven, which could lead to its downfall.

In the case of the Qin dynasty, the answer to why they lost the Mandate of Heaven is option D: through uprisings caused by the harsh policies of Legalism. During the reign of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor, Legalism became the dominant ideology. Legalism emphasized strict laws, harsh punishments, and centralization of power to maintain control over the empire. The implementation of Legalism led to a highly oppressive regime, which resulted in resentful subjects and numerous uprisings.

The people began to rebel against the Qin dynasty's brutal rule. In particular, the policies that heavily burdened the peasants and centralized power in the hands of the emperor caused widespread dissatisfaction among the population. This led to a series of uprisings throughout the empire, further weakening the dynasty's position. Ultimately, the combined strength of regional rebellions, such as the uprising of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, contributed to the loss of the Mandate of Heaven by the Qin dynasty.

To find more detailed information about the fall of the Qin dynasty and its loss of the Mandate of Heaven, you can refer to historical texts, scholarly articles, or books on ancient Chinese history.

That's you're correct! It helps alot!