explain the difference in meaning between -3 and -3

I don't see any difference.

Nothing. Did you mean one of them to be a positive 3?

There was a similar question asking about |-3| and -2

|x| is just the distance between x and zero.
Since -3 is 3 units away from zero (to the left, as it happens), |-3| = 3
|x| is always positive or zero.

No it says explain the difference in meaning between |-3| and -3

The difference in meaning between -3 and -3 is actually none, as they both represent the same value. The symbol "-" in both cases indicates a negative sign, and the number "3" represents the absolute value or magnitude. In mathematics, when a negative sign is placed before a number, it indicates a value that is less than zero. Therefore, whether it is written as "-3" or "-3", it represents the same quantity, which is three units less than zero.