Textile mills in America and Europe became more efficient due to advancements in machinery such as the Spinning Jenny and power loom. What resulted from the technology advancements in the textile industry?

Women and children never had to work in textile mills.
Cloth could be made more quickly and many textile workers have had their jobs replaced by machines.
More workers are needed to run the looms and make cloth.
Farmers do not need to grow cotton any longer.

Its B... Cloth could be made more quickly and many textile workers and have had their jobs replaced by machines.

The technology advancements in the textile industry, specifically with the introduction of machinery like the Spinning Jenny and power loom, had several consequences:

1. Increased efficiency: These advancements in machinery enabled textile mills to produce cloth at a much faster rate than before. This increase in efficiency meant that cloth could be made more quickly, leading to higher production levels.

2. Job displacement: As machines were able to produce cloth more rapidly, many textile workers found their jobs replaced by these automated machines. This resulted in a significant shift in employment as more manual workers were no longer needed in the production process.

3. Transition of workforce: With the introduction of new machinery, the need for skilled operators to run the machines and oversee the production process increased. While the overall number of textile workers may have decreased due to automation, a different set of skills was required, leading to a demand for workers with specific technical expertise.

4. Impact on demographics: While it is true that technology advancements reduced the need for labor-intensive work, it is important to note that it did not eliminate the need for all workers. Women and children were still employed in textile mills, although the overall number of workers may have changed. Over time, societal changes, labor movements, and new regulations have helped improve working conditions and reduce the reliance on child and female labor in the textile industry.

5. Cotton production: Although the demand for cloth increased as a result of technological advancements, there was still a need for raw materials like cotton. Farmers continued to grow cotton, albeit with advancements in agricultural practices and machinery that enhanced productivity and efficiency in cotton production.

It's important to consider the broader historical context and specific economic circumstances to fully understand the impact of technology advancements in the textile industry and their consequences.

I think c

Yes, c.