Why did cattle owners have to buy private property on which to keep their cattle?

A. They couldn’t graze their cattle on Native American reservations.
B. Cattle in open-range herds got mixed together.
C. Farms and the railroads carved up the open range.
D. Diseases often wiped out entire herds.

I took the test rn, its

Use these answers to check you work yall, its important to do the lesson by yourself :> remember not to copy off of anyone.

Heyo! Is correct 4/4 100% thanks dude

thank you and you are so right about the whole not cheating thing but there is only one right answer : )

Heyo is right i got a 4%4 #100

It looks to me as though a, b, and c are right. What does your reading assignment say?

To determine why cattle owners had to buy private property to keep their cattle, we can examine each option and consider the reasons behind them.

A. They couldn’t graze their cattle on Native American reservations.
Answer A suggests that cattle owners couldn't graze their cattle on Native American reservations. This was a significant factor as Native American reservations were sovereign territories, under the control of the tribes. Grazing cattle on these lands would require permission from the respective tribes, which might not always be granted.

B. Cattle in open-range herds got mixed together.
Answer B refers to the issue of mixed herds in open-range grazing. In the past, cattle were often allowed to roam freely on open ranges, grazing on public lands. However, this led to the problem of herds intermixing. It became challenging for cattle owners to identify and reclaim their own cattle due to this lack of distinction.

C. Farms and the railroads carved up the open range.
Answer C highlights the impact of farms and railroads on the open range. As settlement and agriculture expanded in the West, farms were established, and railroads laid tracks, which required land. As a result, the once vast and open grazing areas were divided and converted to private property or used for other purposes. This reduced the available open range for cattle to graze freely.

D. Diseases often wiped out entire herds.
Answer D stresses the threat of diseases to cattle herds. Historically, cattle were susceptible to various diseases, such as Texas fever or tick fever. These diseases could spread rapidly among open-range herds, leading to severe losses. To mitigate the risk of disease, cattle owners began to implement more controlled environments, such as private property, where the spread of diseases could be reduced.

Considering the options, the most likely reason why cattle owners had to buy private property to keep their cattle is the combination of factors mentioned in options B, C, and D. The intermixing of herds, the division of open range due to farms and railroads, and the risk of diseases all contributed to the need for private property, as it provided a controlled space for cattle ownership and management.