at 1:00 p.m you have 24 megabytes of a movie. At 1:15 pm you have 96 megabytes. What is the download rate in megabytes per minute?

To calculate the download rate in megabytes per minute, we can start by finding the difference in the file size from 1:00 p.m to 1:15 p.m.

Difference in file size = 96 MB - 24 MB = 72 MB

Next, we need to find the time elapsed from 1:00 p.m to 1:15 p.m, which is 15 minutes.

Now, we can calculate the download rate:

Download rate = Difference in file size / Time elapsed
Download rate = 72 MB / 15 minutes

To simplify the rate, we can divide the numerator and denominator by the greatest common divisor of 72 and 15, which is 3.

Download rate = (72 MB / 3) / (15 minutes / 3)
Download rate = 24 MB / 5 minutes

Therefore, the download rate is 24 MB per 5 minutes, which can also be expressed as 4.8 MB per minute.

To determine the download rate in megabytes per minute, we need to calculate how many megabytes were downloaded within the time period from 1:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Then we divide this value by the duration of the time interval to obtain the download rate.

Given that you had 24 megabytes at 1:00 p.m. and 96 megabytes at 1:15 p.m., the difference between these two values represents the amount of data downloaded in 15 minutes.

96 megabytes - 24 megabytes = 72 megabytes

So, within the 15-minute time period, you downloaded 72 megabytes.

To find the download rate per minute, we divide this value (72 megabytes) by the duration of 15 minutes:

72 megabytes / 15 minutes = 4.8 megabytes per minute

Therefore, the download rate is 4.8 megabytes per minute.

change in megabytes / change in time

(96 - 24) / 15