A speaker argues that spinach is the most nutritious vegetable for a person to eat. A commenter objects that there are many ways to measure nutrition, with some vegetables doing better or worse according to different measurements. What is an effective counter argument for the original speaker to use?

- If you create a numerical measure of all kinds of nutrition, spinach has the highest average score.*
- A well-known nutritionist has said that spinach contains a lot of iron.
- Surely it is rude to suggest that spinach is a terrible vegetable.
- The point is, people should eat more of all kinds of vegetables.

I agree.

anybody else?

Yes, I agree too

keep the answers coming

Yeah that was my answer

An effective counter argument for the original speaker to use would be: "While it is true that there are various ways to measure nutrition, and different vegetables may excel in different measurements, spinach still stands out as an incredibly nutritious vegetable across most metrics. Even if different vegetables may have their own strengths in specific nutrients, the overall nutritional content of spinach remains unparalleled. Therefore, encouraging people to consume more spinach will undeniably contribute to their overall health and well-being."

To arrive at this counter argument, the original speaker can follow these steps:

1. Define the criteria for measuring nutrition: The speaker can start by acknowledging that there are different ways to measure nutrition, such as nutrient density, overall vitamin and mineral content, or other specific measurements like iron or fiber content.

2. Gather comparative data: The speaker should research and obtain reliable nutritional information for various vegetables, including spinach, to determine their nutrient profiles across different measurements. This data can be obtained from nutrition databases, government health organizations, or scientific studies.

3. Analyze the nutritional data: By exploring the gathered data, the speaker can compare the nutritional content of spinach with other vegetables. They should focus on the various measurements mentioned earlier and calculate an average score for each vegetable to assess their overall nutritional value.

4. Make a case for spinach: Based on the analysis, the speaker can present the findings that show spinach consistently excels in most nutritional measurements. They can emphasize that while other vegetables may boast strengths in specific nutrients, spinach remains the top performer when considering the overall nutritional content.

5. Respond to the commenter's objection: The speaker can address the commenter's objection by explaining that their argument doesn't dismiss the fact that other vegetables have their own nutritional merits. Instead, the speaker can highlight that their aim is to emphasize the exceptional nutritional profile of spinach. Thus, it's justified to advocate for increased consumption of spinach to benefit from its wide range of nutrients.

By following these steps and presenting the counter argument effectively, the original speaker can defend their position on spinach being the most nutritious vegetable while considering multiple measurements of nutrition.