1) what are side effects (bad side) of marijuana?

2) what would happen if everyone in Canada smoke marijuana?

For my opinion and the answer for 2)would be Canadians would go crazy!


Just as few people smoke cigarettes, so even less smoke marijuana now.

You asked the same question a few days ago


1) Side effects of marijuana can vary from person to person, but some potential negative side effects include:

- Impaired memory and concentration: Marijuana use can cause short-term memory problems and difficulty focusing or paying attention.
- Increased heart rate and blood pressure: Marijuana can temporarily elevate heart rate and blood pressure, which can be a concern for individuals with underlying cardiovascular conditions.
- Respiratory issues: Smoking marijuana can lead to irritation of the lungs and airways, potentially causing coughing, wheezing, and chronic bronchitis.
- Decreased coordination and impaired judgment: Marijuana can affect motor skills and reaction time, which may increase the risk of accidents and injuries.
- Anxiety and paranoia: Some individuals may experience feelings of anxiety, restlessness, or paranoia while under the influence of marijuana.

It is worth noting that the intensity and frequency of these side effects can vary depending on factors such as dosage, method of consumption, individual tolerance, and underlying health conditions.

2) Speculating on the outcome if everyone in Canada were to smoke marijuana would require making assumptions and generalizations. However, it is important to approach such speculation with caution and understand that individual reactions would likely vary greatly.

While some people may experience the positive effects of marijuana such as relaxation, euphoria, or pain relief, others may be more susceptible to negative side effects. Additionally, the effects of long-term, widespread marijuana use on the overall health, productivity, and mental well-being of a population are difficult to predict.

It's important to consider that marijuana affects individuals differently, and widespread use may have various societal impacts, such as changes in productivity, public health, and crime rates. To gain a deeper understanding of the potential consequences, it would require comprehensive research, studies, and analysis of data.