order from smallest to biggest

10g , 100mg , 0.1kg

1km ,100m , 1000cm

You need to change each set into the same units.

For example 1 km = 1000m
and 1000cm = 10m
so in meters it goes 10m, 100m, 1000m which corresponds to the
1000cm, 100m, 1 km
Now your turn to do the conversions on the grams, kg etc : )

1g = 1000mg so 10g is bigger than 100mg?

To order the given quantities from smallest to biggest, we need to convert them to a common unit of measurement. Let's convert them to grams (g) in the first example and meters (m) in the second example, as they are the most commonly used units.

First Example:
10g, 100mg, 0.1kg

To convert milligrams (mg) to grams (g), we divide by 1000.
100mg ÷ 1000 = 0.1g

So now we have:
0.1g, 0.1g, 0.1kg

Next, let's convert kilograms (kg) to grams (g) by multiplying by 1000.
0.1kg × 1000 = 100g

Now we have:
0.1g, 0.1g, 100g

And finally, we can order them from smallest to biggest:
0.1g, 0.1g, 100g

Second Example:
1km, 100m, 1000cm

To convert kilometers (km) to meters (m), we multiply by 1000.
1km × 1000 = 1000m

Now we have:
1000m, 100m, 1000cm

And to convert centimeters (cm) to meters (m), we divide by 100.
1000cm ÷ 100 = 10m

Now we have:
1000m, 100m, 10m

Finally, we can order them from smallest to biggest:
10m, 100m, 1000m