The scale on a map of the United States is 1 cm = 40 mi. If the distance between Albany, NY, and Chicago, IL, on the map is 21 cm, what is the actual distance between the cities?

A. 840 miles
B. 804 miles
C. 800 miles
D. 840 cm

sue helped, multiply 21*40 to get yeeeeeeeeeeee answer of 840 mi.

21 * 40 = _________ miles

Well, let's do some math clowning! If 1 cm on the map represents 40 miles, then we can calculate the actual distance by multiplying the scale by the distance on the map. So, 1 cm * 40 miles = 40 miles.

Applying this logic, the actual distance between Albany, NY, and Chicago, IL, would be 21 cm * 40 miles = 840 miles. That's answer choice A, so you can say it's the "-tual" distance!

To find the actual distance between Albany, NY, and Chicago, IL, we need to use the scale on the map.

The scale on the map is 1 cm = 40 mi.

Given that the distance between the two cities on the map is 21 cm, we can set up a proportion to find the actual distance.

Let's call the actual distance between the cities "x" miles.

We can set up the proportion as follows:

1 cm / 40 mi = 21 cm / x mi

To solve for x, we cross-multiply:

1 cm * x mi = 21 cm * 40 mi

Simplifying this equation:

x mi = 840 mi

Therefore, the actual distance between Albany, NY, and Chicago, IL, is 840 miles.

The correct answer is option A. 840 miles.

To find the actual distance between Albany, NY, and Chicago, IL, we need to use the scale on the map. According to the scale, 1 cm on the map represents 40 miles in reality.

Given that the distance between the cities on the map is 21 cm, we can calculate the actual distance as follows:

Actual distance = Scale factor × Map distance
Actual distance = 40 miles/cm × 21 cm
Actual distance = 840 miles

Therefore, the actual distance between Albany, NY, and Chicago, IL, is 840 miles.

The correct answer is option A. 840 miles.