Caculate the percentage by mass .each of the following components . element in the respective compounds a, sulphur in tetraoxosulphata (iv) acid H2so4

% element = [(atomic mass element/molar mass H2SO4)]*100

fyi ... check out element 44

To calculate the percentage by mass of an element in a compound, you need to know the molecular formula of the compound and the atomic masses of the elements involved.

In this case, we have the compound tetraoxosulfur (IV) acid, with the molecular formula H2SO4. To calculate the percentage by mass of sulfur (S) in this compound, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the molar mass of the entire compound.
To find the molar mass of H2SO4, we multiply the atomic masses of each element by their respective subscripts and sum them up.

The atomic mass of hydrogen (H) is 1.007 grams/mol,
the atomic mass of sulfur (S) is 32.06 grams/mol,
and the atomic mass of oxygen (O) is 16.00 grams/mol.

So, the molar mass of H2SO4 = (2 * 1.007) + 32.06 + (4 * 16.00) = 98.09 grams/mol.

Step 2: Find the molar mass of sulfur (S).
The molar mass of sulfur (S) is 32.06 grams/mol.

Step 3: Calculate the percentage by mass of sulfur (S).
To find the percentage by mass of sulfur in H2SO4, we divide the molar mass of sulfur by the molar mass of H2SO4 and multiply by 100.

Percentage by mass = (Molar mass of sulfur / Molar mass of H2SO4) * 100%
= (32.06 / 98.09) * 100%
= 32.66%

Therefore, the percentage by mass of sulfur in tetraoxosulfur (IV) acid (H2SO4) is approximately 32.66%.