A florist has 78 white roses and 65 red roses. The florist arranges the roses into groups that have the same ratio of white roses to red roses as the whole collection of roses. How many white roses are in a group that has 10 red roses? Complete the ratio table to solve the problem.

The ratio:

78:65, 6:5, 12:10

There are 12 white roses in a group that has 10 red roses

How many white roses in a group with 10 red roses?????!!!!!!

To solve this problem, we can start by finding the ratio of white roses to red roses in the whole collection.

The total number of white roses is 78, and the total number of red roses is 65. Therefore, the ratio of white roses to red roses can be written as 78:65.

Now, we need to find the number of white roses in a group that has 10 red roses.

To do this, we can set up a ratio table using the given ratio and the information we want to find. Let's complete the ratio table:

White Roses | Red Roses
78 | 65
? | 10

To find the missing value, we can use cross-multiplication:

78 * 10 = 65 * ?

Simplifying this equation, we get:

780 = 65 * ?

To solve for the unknown value, divide both sides of the equation by 65:

780 / 65 = 65 * ? / 65

Simplifying further, we have:

12 = ?

Therefore, there are 12 white roses in a group that has 10 red roses.

Can you please answer shane's question?????!!!!!

bro answer it


78 / 65 = x / 10