what is the theme of the poem sidewalk racer

I need help with this quiz can anyone help

Okay soooo I just took the "Unit 2 Lesson 11 Third Read: Poetry Collection 3 Quiz" and I got 8/8 (with 2 questions still ungraded). Here are my answers:

1. (Part A) D. (Part B) C.
2. I wrote: "You can identify if a poem is a work of concrete poetry or not by looking at the shape of the sentences. The words in concrete poetry typically illustrate the shape of what the topic of the poem is about. On the other hand, haiku poems do not share any similarities with concrete poems. Haiku poems consist of three lines. The first and last line have 5 syllables, while the middle line has 7 syllables." DO NOT copy this word-for-word, or your language arts teacher will find out. O_O
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. C
8. B
The last question (question #9) depends on your Independent Reading book selection. Anyways, with these answers, you'll get a guaranteed 100%, just make sure you're taking the same quiz as this one.

No sorry

D. Confident

To determine the theme of the poem "Sidewalk Racer," it is important to analyze the poem and identify recurring ideas, motifs, or emotions. Unfortunately, without the actual text of the poem, it is not possible for me to provide an accurate analysis. However, I can guide you on how to identify the theme of a poem on your own.

1. Read and analyze the poem: Read the poem attentively, paying close attention to the language, imagery, and tone used by the poet. Look for any recurring symbols, metaphors, or emotions throughout the poem.

2. Identify the main idea: Determine what the poem is primarily about. Consider any central ideas or concepts that are highlighted or explored in the poem. These can include themes such as love, loss, nature, identity, or societal issues.

3. Look for underlying messages: Poetry often conveys deeper meanings or messages. Consider any philosophical, moral, or social implications the poem may be expressing. Look for any social commentary or critique that the poet may be making.

4. Contextualize the poem: Consider the context in which the poem was written. Examine the poet's background, historical events, or societal influences that might provide insight into the poem's themes.

5. Reflect on personal interpretation: Remember that poetry can have multiple interpretations, and it is essential to acknowledge your personal response to the poem. How does it make you feel, and what thoughts or ideas does it evoke?

By following these steps, you should be able to identify and develop an understanding of the theme of the poem "Sidewalk Racer" or any other poem you encounter.