What are the 5 socio economic factors that influence your study chooses and your future career?

The five socioeconomic factors that can influence your study choices and future career are:

1. Income level: Your family's income or your personal financial situation can greatly impact your study choices and career. Higher-income households may have more resources to invest in education, allowing for a wider range of study options. Lower-income households may have to consider more affordable study choices or employment that provides immediate financial stability.

2. Education level: The level of education attained by your parents or family members can shape your study choices. If your parents have a higher education, they may encourage and support you in pursuing higher education as well. On the other hand, if your family has a lower education level, there may be less emphasis on pursuing advanced degrees or careers that require specialized education.

3. Social status: Your social status, which is influenced by factors such as your family's occupation, can impact your study choices and career options. For example, if you come from a family with a high social status, there may be expectations or pressures to pursue prestigious careers or study fields. Conversely, individuals from lower social status backgrounds may face barriers in certain professions or study choices.

4. Access to resources: The availability of resources like educational institutions, career counseling, mentors, and networking opportunities can affect your study choices and career prospects. Individuals with greater access to resources may have more information and guidance in making informed decisions about their studies and future careers.

5. Cultural norms and expectations: Cultural factors such as gender roles, societal expectations, and cultural values can play a significant role in shaping study choices and career paths. In some cultures, certain fields of study or professions may be more gender-stereotyped or favored over others, impacting the choices individuals make.

To gather information about these factors in relation to your own circumstances, it is essential to engage in self-reflection and research. Consider evaluating your personal financial situation, assessing your family's education level and social status, exploring available resources and opportunities, and reflecting on cultural expectations and norms. Research and seek guidance from trusted sources like career counselors, mentors, or professionals in fields of interest to gain a broader perspective on how these factors may impact your study choices and future career.

How are we to know what influences YOUR "chooses"?