Elements are arranged in the periodic table based on various patterns. For example, elements found in the rows near the top

have higher atomic numbers than the elements in the rows near the bottom.

all have the same atomic number.

have lower atomic numbers than the elements in the rows near the bottom.

have the same atomic numbers as the elements in the rows near the bottom.


oliver queen.....you have not failed this test

To determine the correct answer, we can refer to our knowledge of the periodic table. The periodic table is organized in such a way that elements with similar properties are grouped together.

Each row in the periodic table is called a period, and elements in the same period have gradually increasing atomic numbers from left to right. Therefore, as we move from the rows near the top to the rows near the bottom, the elements have higher atomic numbers.

Based on this understanding, we can conclude that option A is correct: elements found in the rows near the top of the periodic table have higher atomic numbers than the elements in the rows near the bottom.


clearly not B.

No two elements have the same atomic number.
Geez - look at the table!