____ means that managers don't have enough information about the surroundings needed to understand or predict the future.

A. Environmental uncertainty
B. Competitive intelligence
C. Minimization
D. Disinformation
IS the C right answer please help.

Environmental uncertainty is the degree to which an organization lacks factual or competent information concerning the internal and external operating environment for the organization. Simply, it is the unknown in the organization and in the field of business relevant to company operation.

No, the correct answer is A. Environmental uncertainty. Environmental uncertainty refers to a lack of information or unpredictability about the external factors that can affect a manager's ability to make decisions. It means that managers do not have enough information about their surroundings to understand or accurately predict the future. Minimization, competitive intelligence, and disinformation do not describe this concept.

The correct answer is A. Environmental uncertainty.

To arrive at this answer, we can examine the given options and understand what each term means.

A. Environmental uncertainty refers to a lack of information or knowledge about the external factors that can impact a business, such as market trends, consumer behavior, or legal regulations. When managers face environmental uncertainty, they are unable to fully understand or predict the future.

B. Competitive intelligence is the process of gathering information about the company's competitors, their strategies, strengths, weaknesses, and market position. While it is valuable for managers to have competitive intelligence, it does not directly address the issue of insufficient information about the surroundings.

C. Minimization generally refers to the act of reducing or eliminating something. However, in the given context, it does not directly relate to the lack of information about the surroundings.

D. Disinformation refers to false or misleading information that is spread intentionally. This is not applicable to the given question as it does not address the issue of insufficient information.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Environmental uncertainty, as it specifically describes the situation where managers lack enough information about their surroundings to understand or predict the future.