Hello! Could someone please correct my answers?

1. Which of the following is true about the Puget Sound Lowlands?

A. This region is scarcely populated and is mostly covered with protected lands and wildlife.
B. It is the driest region in Washington with fewer than 22 inches of rainfall a year.
C. The entire region is made up of Native American reservations.
D. This region is home to high-tech industries as well as trade, logging, fishing, and farming.***

2. Which of the following most accurately describes the Puget Sound?

A. a collection of islands of the shore of Canada where many natives have established reservations
B. a fjord dotted with islands that provides excellent natural harbors***
C. a freshwater inlet sprinkled with small islands that serve as harbors
D. a secluded inlet where wildlife abounds and human interaction is scarce

3. Which of the following are characteristics of Seattle as a place? Select all that apply.
1. center for biotech research
2. contained on in island in the Puget Sound***
3. site of a commercial port
4. Washington’s fifth most populous city***
5. Washington’s capital

4. What best describes the climate of the Puget Sound Lowlands region?
A. above-average rainfall with high humidity and temperatures
B. below-average rainfall with below-average temperatures
C. frequently cloudy with many days of rainfall***
D. mostly sunny with occasional thunderstorms

5. How have Native American people affected
the environment in the Puget Sound Lowlands?
A. They burned land in order to maintain prairies.
B. They introduced innovative irrigation techniques for agriculture.
C. They refrained from fishing or hunting in this region.
D. They protected giant cedar trees from any type of logging.***

1. D

2. B
3. A, C
4. C

Those are the answer for Washington State History 7: Lesson 6 Unit 1

iiFxllinq_M00nxX is correct

This region is home to high-tech industries as well as trade, logging, fishing, and farming.

a fjord dotted with islands that provides excellent natural harbors

center for biotech research
site of a commercial port

frequently cloudy with many days of rainfall

WAIT! I have a different response for 5.

5. How have Native American people affected
the environment in the Puget Sound Lowlands?

A. They burned land in order to maintain prairies.***
B. They introduced innovative irrigation techniques for agriculture.
C. They refrained from fishing or hunting in this region.
D. They protected giant cedar trees from any type of logging.


1. Your answer D is correct. The Puget Sound Lowlands region is home to high-tech industries as well as trade, logging, fishing, and farming.

To get the answer, you can look at the characteristics of the Puget Sound Lowlands region. Researching about the region's industries and economic activities will help you identify which option is true about the region.

2. Your answer B is correct. The Puget Sound is a fjord dotted with islands that provides excellent natural harbors.

To get the answer, you can look up information about the Puget Sound. Understanding the geographical features and characteristics of the Puget Sound will help you select the most accurate description.

3. Your answers 2 and 4 are correct. Seattle is contained on an island in the Puget Sound, and it is Washington's fifth most populous city.

To get the answer, you can gather information about Seattle. Researching the city's location and population rank will help you determine the correct characteristics.

4. Your answer C is correct. The climate of the Puget Sound Lowlands region is frequently cloudy with many days of rainfall.

To get the answer, you can research the climate patterns of the Puget Sound Lowlands region. Understanding the typical weather conditions, such as cloud cover and rainfall, will help you identify the best description of the climate.

5. Your answer D is correct. Native American people in the Puget Sound Lowlands protected giant cedar trees from any type of logging.

To get the answer, you can study the historical and cultural practices of Native American people in the region. Researching their relationship with the environment and specific conservation efforts will help you determine how they have affected the environment.

1, 2, and 4 are right.

3 is wrong.
5 - I don't know.