The table above shows the number of protons in an atom of four different elements. According to the periodic table, which of these elements is a metal? *

Element/ Number Of Protons
T/ 7
Q/ 15
X/ 12
Z/ 17
(I couldn't get the table in so that what the table looks like.)
I think the answer is X but im not for sure could someone help me.

You are correct. The metals are on the left, the nonmetals on the right.

That zigzag staircase from Boron to Astatine is pretty much the dividing line.

I'm late on this.But you just gave me an answer.I was so confused.

To determine which of these elements is a metal, we need to refer to the periodic table. Metals are typically found on the left side of the periodic table. Let's compare the number of protons for each element:

T (with 7 protons) does not match any known element.
Q (with 15 protons) does not match any known element.
X (with 12 protons) does not match any known element.
Z (with 17 protons) does not match any known element.

Based on the information given, none of these elements match known elements on the periodic table. Therefore, we cannot determine which element is a metal in this case.

To determine which element is a metal, we need to refer to the periodic table and understand the properties of metals. Metals are typically found on the left-hand side of the periodic table.

Based on the provided information of the number of protons, we can see that:

- Element T has 7 protons
- Element Q has 15 protons
- Element X has 12 protons
- Element Z has 17 protons

To find the element that is a metal, let's refer to the periodic table. Looking at the elements T, Q, X, and Z, we compare their atomic numbers (number of protons) to the periodic table.

According to the periodic table, we can determine that:

- Element T with 7 protons corresponds to Nitrogen (N), which is a nonmetal.
- Element Q with 15 protons corresponds to Phosphorus (P), which is a nonmetal.
- Element X with 12 protons corresponds to Magnesium (Mg), which is a metal.
- Element Z with 17 protons corresponds to Chlorine (Cl), which is a nonmetal.

Therefore, the element that is a metal among T, Q, X, and Z is X.