At the end of “Raymond’s Run,” Squeaky has a different attitude about running and about her rival, Gretchen. Describe the actions that demonstrate these changed feelings. What role does conflict play in Squeaky’s changed attitude? Use events and details from the story to support your answer.

I need any websites

During the race, Squeaky saw Raymond running to on the other side of the fence. When she finished she was really proud of Raymond and decided that she was going to coach him, and give him a chance of being a runner. Squeaky realized that Gretchen was actually a really good runner and not that bad, and they exchanged smiles at the end.

Certainly! Here are a few websites that might help you find information and analysis on the story "Raymond's Run":

1. SparkNotes - This website provides a summary and analysis of various literary works, including short stories. They usually offer detailed explanations of characters, themes, and events. You can find their analysis of "Raymond's Run" here:

2. Shmoop - Shmoop is another online resource that provides study guides for literature. They usually have a section dedicated to analyzing characters, themes, and important events in each story. You can find their analysis of "Raymond's Run" here:

3. Gradesaver - Gradesaver offers study guides and provides analysis of various literary works. They also provide study questions and suggested essay topics. You can find their analysis of "Raymond's Run" here:

Remember, it's always good to cross-reference information from multiple sources to get a comprehensive understanding of the story and its themes.

About squaky attitude changing about running and about her rival

Your answer is not found in a web site. You have to read the story to find the answer.

I don’t know where to find the story cuz I don’t have the book